Facebook Fundraiser - Dedicate your birthday to Direct Giving Lab families. We'll provide the pictures and stories; you share your day with friends for DGL families.
Sponsor a Family - You and your friends join the Direct Giving Circle with a combined monthly recurring donation of $150. For example - you + 9 friends, each donating $15/month = one new family with monthly cash for rent, food, medicine, etc.
Host an Event - Trivia night, bowling, your own creative idea. Virtual or in person, whatever works best for you and your friends.
Join our Giving Tuesday Team - A global day of giving that unleashes the power of our supporters to raise awareness and support for Direct Giving Lab. December 1, 2020.
Email us at info@directgivinglab.org to let us know how you want to get involved. We look forward to welcoming you to our team of fundraisers!